Goodbye Dad <3

My beloved dad had passed on peacefully on 3 May... I know he is in a beautiful place with the Angels now.

Thank you for all your prayers. I feel really blessed to have the love and support of my relatives and friends during his last journey. Thank you so much. My dad is a blessed man. :)

❤ Blessings, Rheea

Thank you 2013. Hello 2014.

Dollgift was born some 5 years ago...

I still remember vividly how excited I was when I got my first order on Etsy. I was selling some postcards, bookmarks and notebooks made from scratch all by myself. Less than a year later, I began to sell these handmades in gift/book stores on consignment. I was fortunate to have more than 10 stores across Singapore that sell my works. But less fortunate because I'd so much problem getting my paycheck at the end of each month. I felt like a loanshark chasing for my money month after month. Slowly I was able to shift my focus to freelance projects and withdrew from most consignment stores. 

Even though I'd always introduce myself as an illustrator designer when I meet new people. I didn't tell them that I'm also the admin, sales, marketing, photography, delivery, and everything-else-person. 

Some people would call me an entrepreneur but I've never regarded myself as one. In fact, I don't want to be one. All I wish is to have more time to draw. And somehow I hope that the story in my drawings will inspire you. 


Well, 2013 is coming to an end soon.

What have you achieved over the year? Have you been nice to yourself and others? How many dreams have you fulfilled? The new year will be arriving soon. Which means, it's a brand new chance for us to do what we didn't get to and continue to do the things that make our hearts sing.

I'm very grateful for all the love, laughters and tears I've shared over the year. At the same time I'm also very excited about the new adventure ahead.

Here's wishing you great health, lots of joy, love and peace for 2014.

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❤ Xoxo, Rheea & Nono 

Once Upon A Time

Hello to a brand new week! ^^

It's 11.11 today (one of my favourite number combinations)!

After my artwork submission, I can get back to drawing again. Yay! I always appreciate the time I get to spend on drawing; something I find very therapeutic and fun! From brainstorming on ideas, doodling them onto my sketchbook and filling up the paper with pen strokes to finally adding the colors in Photoshop.. I have to say, I really enjoy every single process. It feels as though I've transformed into the little characters I created for my stories. In that instance, I'd forget all about the real world.  

onceuponatime3_dollgift by rheea.png

This time round, I did a different experimentation on my usual style - I refrained myself from using black (giving myself a pat on the shoulder). It looks so much softer without the harsh solid black lines. Also, I added a pale yellow background, giving it an even gentler mood. I absolutely love the nostalgic feel!

I'm amazed by how my works had turned out each time I put my mind to try something different.

Is there something different you tried recently?

Have you spotted Nono?

Have you spotted Nono?

onceuponatime1_dollgift by rheea.png
onceuponatime4_dollgift by rheea.png

If you like Once Upon A Time and would like to purchase an art print, you may do so on our Etsy store HERE

onceuponatime-frame2_dollgift by rheea.png

Next, I'll be working on some inspirational illustrations! I know, everyone needs some encouragement and inspiration from time to time. Well, I'll save the details for my next post. 

Meanwhile, take care and smile lots!  

❤ Xoxo, Rheea



Sweet Surrender

Happy happy Monday!

Here's sharing with you another illustration I created for my gift card collection. As usual, I did a few variations for licensing purpose.

sweet surrender_handdrawn-dollgiftbyrheea.png
sweet surrender1_dollgiftbyrheea.png
sweet surrender_detail_dollgiftbyrheea.png
Added colour and texture to background

Added colour and texture to background

A different variation

A different variation

Balloons pattern

Balloons pattern

sweet surrender_dollgiftbyrheea.png

If you like 'Sweet Surrender' and would like to purchase the art print, please visit my Etsy store HERE

Remember to follow my Facebook Page to receive any first hand update or other interesting art related info!  

Have a sweet new week ahead~

❤ Xoxo, Rheea & Nono


The boy in my drawings

Hellloooooooo!! Hope your weekend was great~

I promised to post photos of my Nono boy in my last post, so here you go!

When he was just a little pup! (Don't worry, he didn't get to eat the snickers)

When he was just a little pup! (Don't worry, he didn't get to eat the snickers)

Falling in love with my blue seal

Falling in love with my blue seal

Enjoying a scrub

Enjoying a scrub

I always enjoy watching him take his shower (sounds pervert huh). He would look so cute like a little otter

I always enjoy watching him take his shower (sounds pervert huh). He would look so cute like a little otter

Waking him up from his nap just so I could snap photos of him :p

Waking him up from his nap just so I could snap photos of him :p

Talk to my hand

Talk to my hand



Close-up &lt;3

Close-up <3

Couldn't love this face more

Couldn't love this face more

The only photo I have of him looking so mature and smart

The only photo I have of him looking so mature and smart

And finally, a photo of him on his 11th birthday! 

Stay healthy, happy and cute. You'll always be my favourite boy. :)

He looks so small here

He looks so small here

In case you're wondering about the adventure of Nono and Binnie, I have to put that on hold as I'm working on my gift cards series now. But I'll be posting some of the designs here as well, so continue to stay tuned! :)

❤ Xoxo, Rheea & Nono

I heard it's your birthday

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all September babies!

Sorry for being a little bias here because it's the birthday month of my Nono boy. Heh.

Yes, my naughty boy will turn 11 tomorrow.

Time flies.. Nono was still a tiny little baby when he came to our family 10 years ago.It's hard not to feel sad whenever I think of how many more years he'll be around. Afterall, he is the very first dog we've had. That said, I'm really thankful that he is still in good health and all active when he sees/ smells food.

Ohhhh... I just realised I've not posted any photo of him on this blog! I promise to post some photos of him here soon. Alternatively, you can find frequent updates of Nono on my Instagram.

Chat soon!

❤ Xoxo, Rheea


Rain or Shine - Part II (story continues...)

It's still drizzling away...

But well, I don't think I need to tell you how much these two are enjoying the rain. ;) 

Please drop us a comment to let us know if you'd enjoyed their story or what you would love to see next! :) 

Oh, and be sure to subscribe to our RSS feed below for any update.

If you like 'Rain Or Shine - Part II' and would like to purchase the art print, please visit my Etsy store HERE

Thank you for reading!  

❤ Xoxo, Rheea

Rain Or Shine - Part I (story continues...)

''Wait for me!''

Nono woofed out excitedly.  

But Binnie could no longer hear him. She is already far ahead, running with the moving clouds. 

Seems like the pair are really enjoying every minute of their adventure!

Now, now.. even the rain would not dampen their mood.

Do you like the adventure of Nono and Binnie so far? How would you like the story to enfold? 

Leave us a comment to let us know! 

And don't forget to subscribe to our RSS feed below to ensure you don't miss out any update. :)

If you like 'Rain Or Shine' and would like to purchase the art print, please visit my Etsy store HERE

Thank you for reading!  

❤ Xoxo, Rheea

Sail Away (story continues...)

Gently, the clouds float across the clear blue sky.~

The magic umbrella has landed amidst the fluffy clouds after a night's ride.

Nono and Binnie are not tired at all. In fact, they are both overjoyed! Who wouldn't anyway?

Everything seems so surreal.

They can feel the softness of the cotton-like clouds caressing their tiny faces. They see stars everywhere and............. wait a minute... is that a fish?!! Yes! They are not dreaming, it is indeed a fish swimming in the clouds! Wow.

Could this be what they call... heaven?   

Where is the magic umbrella floating to? 

What interesting happenings will Nono and Binnie encounter next? 

Be sure to return for the answer. Or better yet, subscribe to our RSS feed below to ensure you don't miss out any update!

If you like 'Sail Away' and would like to purchase the art print, please visit our Etsy store HERE

Thank you for reading!  

❤ Xoxo, Rheea

Going Up (story continues...)

Nono and Binnie quickly became inseparable after they met.

Day and night, night and day.

When you see Nono, you see Binnie. When you see Binnie, you see Nono.

So close are the pair that Nono wouldn't want to go anywhere without his dear little friend...

Not even on the magic umbrella adventure.  

What is going to happen to them?

Where is the magic umbrella bringing them to?

Stay tuned for the answer. 

If you like 'Going Up' and would like to purchase the art print, please visit my Etsy store HERE

Thank you for reading!  

❤ Xoxo, Rheea


When Nono Meets Binnie (the adventure of nono and binnie)

My boy is so happy today.

For almost half his life, Nono has been a very shy boy. I'm glad things changed when he met Binnie today.

He even offered her his favorite balloon.

They got along pretty well probably because they are both equally shy.

I can tell these two are going to be friends for life.

If you like 'New Friend' and would like to purchase the art print, please visit my Etsy store HERE

Thank you for reading!  

❤ Xoxo, Rheea

Alternative Anniversary/ Wedding Gift Idea

Do you know what's the best thing I like about being a designer?

Yes, I can design whatever I like. BUT the most fun part is that I get to make people happy when I customize something which adds a personal touch for them.

I remember reading this quote somewhere,

''Business is about making people's lives better in some ways.''

In my case, I find fulfillment in designing something that make people's lives happier!

Few weeks ago, I came out with the tumbler series where customers get to personalize it with their name and messages (check HERE for more details about the tumblers! *Stock for the black ones are running out).

Today, I'm excited to launch my latest artwork! Tah-dahhhh!!~~~

You can personalize this lovely balloon house to a unique and beautiful wall decor for yourself or your loved ones! A great alternative choice to the usual guestbook.

I'm sure it would make a perfect gift for anniversary, wedding, house warming, birthday and any event you can possibly think of.~

This print measures 16’’ x 20’’, with up to 230 balloons (picture frame not included).

If you need a different dimension or number of balloons, let me know and I'll make the change for you (price differs for a different dimension).

So, how can you personalize this lovely artwork?

You can include your:

1) Names/ Initials

2) A heading if you like (above the balloons) e.g. Our Wedding, Happy Anniversary.

3) Event date

4) Number of balloons (guests)

5) Color choice.

Can’t find the color combination you like? Then pick up to 3 colors of your choice from the color chart!

Are you ready to create your very own balloon house? Here's the link to find out all about it!

Stay tuned for more wonderful gift ideas!!~~~ ^^

❤ Xoxo, Rheea.