Thank you 2013. Hello 2014.

Dollgift was born some 5 years ago...

I still remember vividly how excited I was when I got my first order on Etsy. I was selling some postcards, bookmarks and notebooks made from scratch all by myself. Less than a year later, I began to sell these handmades in gift/book stores on consignment. I was fortunate to have more than 10 stores across Singapore that sell my works. But less fortunate because I'd so much problem getting my paycheck at the end of each month. I felt like a loanshark chasing for my money month after month. Slowly I was able to shift my focus to freelance projects and withdrew from most consignment stores. 

Even though I'd always introduce myself as an illustrator designer when I meet new people. I didn't tell them that I'm also the admin, sales, marketing, photography, delivery, and everything-else-person. 

Some people would call me an entrepreneur but I've never regarded myself as one. In fact, I don't want to be one. All I wish is to have more time to draw. And somehow I hope that the story in my drawings will inspire you. 


Well, 2013 is coming to an end soon.

What have you achieved over the year? Have you been nice to yourself and others? How many dreams have you fulfilled? The new year will be arriving soon. Which means, it's a brand new chance for us to do what we didn't get to and continue to do the things that make our hearts sing.

I'm very grateful for all the love, laughters and tears I've shared over the year. At the same time I'm also very excited about the new adventure ahead.

Here's wishing you great health, lots of joy, love and peace for 2014.

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❤ Xoxo, Rheea & Nono