
As promised, part III of my Sea Houses Collection is here! 



I had also created two patterns for this series.

Oh by the way, if you are looking for tutorials to learn how to create patterns such as these, you wouldn't want to miss the one by Andy Mathis, HERE. I did quite abit of research and this is still my best recommended tutorial. Don't worry, Andy explained everything in a very clear and easy to understand way. Seriously, I never thought creating patterns can be so easy and fun until now!

Pattern 1

Pattern 1

Pattern 2

Pattern 2

Finally, I did a product mock-up with the complete collection. 

Product mock-up

Product mock-up

These lovely art prints are now available on Etsy, HERE.





Swimming With Fishes

Swimming With Fishes

That's all I have for you today.

Take care and have a beautiful day! :)

❤ Xoxo, Rheea


I have lost count on the number of times I have to 'explain' to people why I refuse to find a full time job over the years. My answer is simple. I hate being controlled by any corporate employment system. And I love my freedom too much. Of course this comes with a price; inconsistent paychecks, being judged by people as 'lazy' and 'unrealistic' etc.

It doesn't help growing up with critical parents. Although they have pretty much given up on me finding a job, my mom still enjoys throwing in negative remarks when the mood strikes her. Just the other day when I was working on this drawing below, she glanced over and commented, 'Why are you drawing these houses? There's nothing special about them.'. Sigh. And I remember vividly the day when I made my very first sale on Etsy a few years back. I was eager to share the news with her. However what seemed to be a casual joke immediately felt like a thousand knives stabbing right into the middle my heart, 'Oh? Which silly customers would want to spend their money on your drawings?'. :(

Honestly, I don't blame my mom for behaving this way because deep down I know she is a very loving and caring lady. Perhaps she was brought up by parents who showed their love in the same manner. Undoubtedly her remarks still affect me a little sometimes, but I have learn to take them with a pinch of salt.

On the other hand, I am very thankful to have a bunch of really encouraging friends and fans. Yes, if you are reading this right now. Thank you!

Well, I have chosen this less travelled path and I have never been happier. :)

Coincidentally, I have named this piece 'Freedom'. The two pieces can be put together to form a larger drawing.

If you like this, stay tuned for part III of my Sea Houses Collection!


'Don't give up too soon. Not even when well-meaning parents, relatives, friends and colleagues tell you to get 'a real job.' Your dreams are your real job.' - Joyce Spizer

Have a beautiful day~

❤ Xoxo, Rheea

Follow The Stars

I have always been fascinated with the sky above; the moon, the stars, the clouds and rainbow. Each time I stare up into the blue sky or a star-filled night, I find myself wondering what's beyond. Are there Angels, Unicorns or other celestial beings living above? Strange as it may sound, I feel an immense sense of peace by the thought of it. Somehow my heart 'knew' that was where I came from and I will be going back there someday...


To purchase this print, please visit our Etsy store HERE.

❤ Xoxo, Rheea.