
I have lost count on the number of times I have to 'explain' to people why I refuse to find a full time job over the years. My answer is simple. I hate being controlled by any corporate employment system. And I love my freedom too much. Of course this comes with a price; inconsistent paychecks, being judged by people as 'lazy' and 'unrealistic' etc.

It doesn't help growing up with critical parents. Although they have pretty much given up on me finding a job, my mom still enjoys throwing in negative remarks when the mood strikes her. Just the other day when I was working on this drawing below, she glanced over and commented, 'Why are you drawing these houses? There's nothing special about them.'. Sigh. And I remember vividly the day when I made my very first sale on Etsy a few years back. I was eager to share the news with her. However what seemed to be a casual joke immediately felt like a thousand knives stabbing right into the middle my heart, 'Oh? Which silly customers would want to spend their money on your drawings?'. :(

Honestly, I don't blame my mom for behaving this way because deep down I know she is a very loving and caring lady. Perhaps she was brought up by parents who showed their love in the same manner. Undoubtedly her remarks still affect me a little sometimes, but I have learn to take them with a pinch of salt.

On the other hand, I am very thankful to have a bunch of really encouraging friends and fans. Yes, if you are reading this right now. Thank you!

Well, I have chosen this less travelled path and I have never been happier. :)

Coincidentally, I have named this piece 'Freedom'. The two pieces can be put together to form a larger drawing.

If you like this, stay tuned for part III of my Sea Houses Collection!


'Don't give up too soon. Not even when well-meaning parents, relatives, friends and colleagues tell you to get 'a real job.' Your dreams are your real job.' - Joyce Spizer

Have a beautiful day~

❤ Xoxo, Rheea