Thank you!

Thank you for your participation on our Christmas Lucky Draw so far! 

Those who missed our earlier post, you still have time to participate. Just scroll one post down for the details.

Few days ago, I received a message from a sweet lady from the US telling me that she loves my work. She then went on to purchase 3 art prints from my Etsy store for her daughters' bedroom. Encouragement as such always make me very happy! ^^ 

Well, these are the 3 prints she'd chosen.

1) Bliss 2) Somewhere Over The Rainbow 3) Fly Me To The Moon

1) Bliss 2) Somewhere Over The Rainbow 3) Fly Me To The Moon

And they're nicely wrapped for Christmas!

And they're nicely wrapped for Christmas!

 If you've started your Christmas shopping, you might want to visit our Etsy store for some gift ideas. 

This year, we'll be donating a small portion of our sale proceeds to a local non-profitable dog shelter. Hence, when you show your support for us, you're also helping our furry buddies! 

We love custom order as well, just drop us a message.

Have fun shopping!

❤ Xoxo, Rheea