Brave Little Ones (I Have A Wish)

#dollgift_ihaveawish Idea by @ivantsj (sorry I had to edit your wordings a little): ‘’I have a wish… I wish the baby turtles would remain strong in challenging the vast unknown and return to where they belong one day.’'

I spent a rather long time on this piece mainly trying to get the desired colour; I’d wanted a night sky but I also wanted sunrise to symbolize new beginnings... And then there were the many details on the uniform which took me more time. I really like how the whole piece turned out. I hope you like it too.

To contribute idea(s) for my book and stand a chance to see them get illustrated, here are the details:
1. It has to be animal related. No violence/ cruelty of any kind please. It can be a topic to raise awareness for animal welfare (just a thought).
2. It has to start with ‘I have a wish… I wish _____________________.'
3. Be as imaginative and whimsy as possible coz that’s my style! It can be a personal story, something you experienced in your dreams or, just be creative! .
Feel free to throw in as many ideas as you like. You can comment below my post or DM me your idea. If your idea gets chosen, I will credit you AND draw you inside. Click on #dollgift_ihaveawish for some ideas!

❤ Blessings, Charllotte