Happy Lunar New Year 2015

Here's wishing all our Chinese friends a very happy and prosperous Lunar New Year. Enjoy your gatherings with your loved ones! 恭喜发财. 身体健康. 万事如意! Huat ahhhhh~~~

❤ Blessings, Rheea

Happy Lunar New Year


Lunar New Year is just around the corner. Can you smell the aroma of Chinese New Year goodies everywhere? I hope you had already bought your new clothes as well (Chinese tradition to wear brand new clothes from head to toe on this occasion).

 And of course, Nono and I would like to wish everyone celebrating this occasion, a VERY happy and prosperous Lunar New Year.

恭喜发财, 万事如意!:D

May you have lots of fun catching up with your loved ones, collecting (or distributing) red packets, and indulging in those yummy cookies! 

❤ Xoxo, Rheea & Nono
