Quote of the week & Mini Nono

As we, the whole of Singapore mourn the loss of one of our nation's greatest heroes, Mr Lee Kuan Yew, let's not forget to celebrate his life and what he had done for us. I'm sure he has fulfilled his life's purpose, leaving a significant legacy. And I'm really proud of him. Enjoy your well deserved rest, 'grandpa'. You'll always be remembered.

Let this also serves as a reminder to us that nothing in life is permanent so treasure what we have at any given moment and do the best we can. We only have one life. Celebrate it - live, love, dream.

*Art print available on Etsy >> https://www.etsy.com/shop/dollgift

So, I bought some Jumping Clay (made in Korea) from Art Friend and had some fun making miniature Nono over the weekend. This clay is easy to play with as it is very soft and can be easily moulded into the desired shapes. What I also like about this clay is that, it doesn't stick or stain on your hands/desk like some clay would, yet it is 'gluey' enough to hold different parts together. For instance, I did not even need to use any glue or stick to keep the different parts in place. I did however had trouble removing them once I put them together; that was the downside about this clay. You need to be very accurate in where you intend to place the parts or you'll end up having to redo that area over again. Oh and I haven't tell you another brilliant thing about this wonderful clay - it doesn't require any baking; simply air dry it and ta-dahhh, you get your rubber-like miniature character. BUT, you pay for what you get, this clay is not that cheap.. a small pack of 50g clay cost me $4.70 (about US$3.40). I bought only black and white ones since I can easily knead the two colours together to get grey.

Time to assemble the parts!

First attempt! Does it look like a little penguin? :p

Well, I made a second one and he resembled a baby elephant.. Third try, he turned into Ratatouille. Ha. Finally I'm satisfied with the 4th attempt. He's looking more like my boy with longer body. Ohhhh I miss him so much. :( :( :(

Then Mini Nono meets Ponyo for the first time... Ponyo seemed a little wary. I guess they need some time to warm up to each other.

Mini Nono enjoying his day out and some Starbucks on Day 2.

Sharing a slice of Oreo cheese cake with me.

Want to know what's mini Nono up to next? Follow us on Instagram to find out! :D http://instagram.com/dollgiftbyrheea

❤ Blessings, Rheea