New Products

Happy Monday!

It's the start of a brand new week. Are you all recharged and ready to reach for the stars? 

I bought a stylus pen recently and have been experimenting it; doodling on my phone with this cool drawing app - Artstudio. It's so fun! My earlier post (on FB) and this were done with the stylus and app. I think I'm getting better already! Heh heh.

On a different note, my illustrations are now available on leggings, scarves and even blanket covers! Yay~~

Wish Upon A Star, scarf

Wish Upon A Star, scarf

Under The Mushroom, scarf

Under The Mushroom, scarf

Don't Compare, leggings

Don't Compare, leggings

Be Daring, leggings

Be Daring, leggings

Be Daring, blanket cover

Be Daring, blanket cover

I've also added new designs to our existing range of pillows, phone cases, laptop skins, pouches etc.

Sweet Adventure (personalised), laptop skin

Sweet Adventure (personalised), laptop skin

One-winged Angels, pillow

One-winged Angels, pillow

Under The Mushroom, pillow

Under The Mushroom, pillow

Visit our Redbubble store for more designs and full details!

Have a wonderful week ahead! Don't forget to reach for the stars. And moon.

❤ Blessings, Rheea