Love the storm whale!

Yay! I finally received my very own copy of Benji Davies's book (the book I've been 'hinting' the boyfriend to get me :p). There was also a sweet personal note by the author-illustrator himself!

I simply loveeee the heartwarming story and beautiful illustrations. Well, I'm not surprise he was the winner of Oscar's First Book Prize.

Here's what one of the judges, Dame Marjorie Scardino said: “It is simple and timeless. It covers ideas of friendship to conservation to the complicated relationship between children and working parents. It’s a book that doesn’t try too hard and that made it very soothing.” 

You can also get a copy of the book on his website, Or follow him on his Facebook Page here.

I'll be back with updates of my newest work soon. Stay tuned! :)

❤ Blessings, Rheea