Goodbye Nono...

With a very heavy heart, I'd like to announce that my beloved boy had left us yesterday. He was very blessed to be surrounded by his loved ones when he passed. He looked as though he was taking his nap on a usual afternoon, except he's no longer in pain.

We weren't prepared for this to happen so soon. Afterall, his condition seemed to have stabilised over the past 7 months after the diagnosis. He was reacting well to his changed diet, Chinese medicines and supplements. The tumours on various parts of his body (with new ones forming now and then) had all disappeared, except for the one on his fore paw but even that seemed under controlled. Without any warning, everything just went downhill at a rapid speed within a few days. Then he was gone. I kept asking myself what had I done wrong or not done enough. I was struggling with so much guilt. His vet however assured me that sometimes our sick pet may seem completely normal on the outside, active and running about, but we wouldn't know what's really going on inside their body; the cancer cells could have spread to other parts of his body without us realising. I felt a little better.. just a little. I guess we just weren't ready to let him go. But then again, we'll never really be ready. I keep reminding myself at least he is no longer in pain.


Thinking back, I'm really grateful to have that 'extra' 7 months with him. If he were to leave right after my dad's passing, it'd have been alot harder for us. And because of that, we treasured the moments we got to spend with him more. I'm sure he is in a beautiful place, possibly with my dad now. For now, I'll just have to continue to miss hugging him, sniffing his head, having him greet us at the door when we return home, staring intently at us whenever we're eating, letting him naps on my bed as I work at my desk, our evening walks in the park, and most of all, miss having him around.


Run free my boy. You'll always be in our hearts; our mischievous darling boy. Till we meet again. :') 

❤ Blessings, Rheea