For A Good Cause (Saving Turtles)

Did you know a female sea turtle lays between 50 - 130 eggs (depending on the species) and as many as 7 clutches of eggs each nesting season? Did you also know that the sand temperature will determine the sex of the turtle - cooler sand produces more males, warmer sands produce more females? 

Sadly, only an estimated one in 1,000 to 10,000 will survive to adulthood... natural obstacles and threats caused by humans are driving them to extinction. Therefore it's really important that we make sure the sea turtles don't die out before it's too late!

As mentioned in my earlier posts, the Singapore Scout Association (SSA) partners with World Wide Fund for Nature Malaysia (WWF-Malaysia) annually to raise awareness on the importance of Wildlife Conservation; Project Orion: Rovering with Turtles being the sixth project in the series of annual project this year. You can follow them on FB or Instagram to find out more about this project (details below). If you'd like to make a donation to this meaningful project, you may contact them directly or purchase one of these items I'd created for the fundraising effort:

To buy an Art print, 

To buy other products (notebook, tote bag, phone case, pouch etc). (any Turtle-themed products under 'For a good cause' category)

100% of the proceeds will go to the funding of Project Orion VI.

Visit my Redbubble store to see more designs and products!

Here's where you can follow Project Orion for updates:

FB page -
Instagram - @project_orion
Blog -

Please help us to spread the words! Thank you in advance for your love and support~

Have a fabulous weekend!

❤ Blessings, Rheea