It's the Friday again. Where has all the time gone?! 

Gosh. Before we know, it's Christmas again. I LOVE Christmas, but please don't come so fast.. I have tons of to-dos on my list that I've yet to cross off. :(

It's been awhile since I drew a tree (even though these are just part of a tree. lol)! I've decided. I shall include trees in my drawings more often from now on. Afterall they are beautiful and so fun to work with! 

I believe we need a little faith in everything we do in life. This is the message I want to remind everyone, including myself, to keep that faith even when life gets tough.


If you like F.A.I.T.H and would like to purchase an art print, please visit my Etsy store HERE

Thank you for reading! Have a fabulous weekend~

❤ Xoxo, Rheea